It’s easy to lose motivation when job searching. So what can you do to get out of that slump and back on track? Work Coach Bethan Evans, from Aberdare Jobcentre in South West Wales, shares her top tips.
Studies have shown that rejection in any form can completely destroy self-control, whether it’s towards a diet, getting to bed early or job searching. As a job seeker, the sad likelihood is that you will at some point face rejection.
So how do you get back up from that ‘unfortunately you have not been successful…’ response? The first step is simple. Understand that it’s not personal! I cannot stress this enough. For any one job, there can be hundreds of people applying. A failed application does not mean a failed jobseeker. I know it can be tough to get a rejection, or worse, no response at all, especially if you’ve put in a lot of effort. But it’s never wasted time. All the work you put into that one application has moved you closer to a successful application.
Use small rewards to help you stay motivated. Sent out three CVs? Completed an application form? Secured an interview? Then treat yourself. Whether it’s half an hour on the PlayStation or a bar of chocolate – whatever it is that will give you that little buzz – do it, you deserve it!
Now you are in a better frame of mind, start to focus on what it is you have that will appeal to employers. Everyone has a unique set of skills and experience to offer. Sit down and have a think about what it is you’ve got that others might not. Think about compliments and positive feedback you’ve received in the past. What were you doing at the time? You might just realise you have a whole host of skills that you’d never even thought of. Jot them down on your CV and fire up the search engine!
Finally, focus. Focus on where you want to be, not where you are. If you have a destination in mind, you’ll better understand the journey to getting there. Ask yourself, what do I need to do to achieve this? Once you’ve asked that question, you can start answering it.