Your local jobcentre can help you identify your skills, experience, career aspirations and potential training needs. They could also help arrange training for a specific trade or craft and work experience if you’re eligible.
Voluntary work can be a great way to help you get new skills and build confidence in a different field of work. Find out what is on offer at or contact your local volunteer centre. You can find your nearest volunteer centre here:
If you are considering a change in career or want to understand your finances, the mid-life MOT is available as an online signposting package to help you plan for important changes.
It can act as a useful stocktake to encourage better planning around the areas of work, finances and health. The work and skills section of the mid-life MOT can signpost you to the support you need to return into employment.
To find out more go to
Remember to update your CV with your new skills, training and experience.